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Hello!Project Who is your favourite 15th gen. Momusu member?
  Rio Kitagawa
  Homare Okamura
  Mei Yamazaki
  I luv them all
 Submitted by: Mattthecat
Total Votes: 214    Comments: (2)
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Hello! Q&A Juice=Juice (5/20/2024)
Hello!Project Written by Ro-kun , updated: 1-Jan 1970
Question: Please tell us about the good points of your hometown.

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Hello! Q&A Ocha Norma (5/18/2024)
Hello!Project Written by Ro-kun , updated: 1-Jan 1970
Question: What's a moment that made you think "I'm cool!"?

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Hello! Q&A BEYOOOOONDS (5/17/2024)
Hello!Project Written by Ro-kun , updated: 1-Jan 1970
Question: What's a moment that made you think "I'm cool!"?

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Hello! Q&A Tsubaki Factory (5/16/2024)
Hello!Project Written by Ro-kun , updated: 1-Jan 1970
Question: What's a moment that made you think "I'm cool!"?

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Hello! Q&A Angerme (5/15/2024)
Hello!Project Written by Ro-kun , updated: 1-Jan 1970
Question: What's a moment that made you think "I'm cool!"?

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Hello! Q&A MM'24 (5/14/2024)
Hello!Project Written by Ro-kun , updated: 1-Jan 1970
Question: What's a moment that made you think "I'm cool!"?

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Hello! Q&A Juice=Juice (5/13/2024)
Hello!Project Written by Ro-kun , updated: 1-Jan 1970
Question: What's a moment that made you think "I'm cool!"?

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Hello! Q&A Ocha Norma (5/11/2024)
Hello!Project Written by Ro-kun , updated: 1-Jan 1970
Question: What's something you're treasuring now?

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Hello! Q&A BEYOOOOONDS (5/10/2024)
Hello!Project Written by Ro-kun , updated: 1-Jan 1970
Question: What's something you're treasuring now?

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Hello! Q&A Tsubaki Factory (5/9/2024)
Hello!Project Written by Ro-kun , updated: 1-Jan 1970
Question: What's something you're treasuring now?

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Hello! Q&A Angerme (5/8/2024)
Hello!Project Written by Ro-kun , updated: 1-Jan 1970
Question: What's something you're treasuring now?

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Hello! Q&A MM'24 (5/7/2024)
Hello!Project Written by Ro-kun , updated: 1-Jan 1970
Question: What's something you're treasuring now?

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Hello! Q&A Juice=Juice (5/6/2024)
Hello!Project Written by Ro-kun , updated: 1-Jan 1970
Question: What's something you're treasuring now?

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Hello! Q&A Ocha Norma (5/4/2024)
Hello!Project Written by Ro-kun , updated: 1-Jan 1970
Question: What's something that made you think "I've become an adult~"?

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Hello! Q&A BEYOOOOONDS (5/3/2024)
Hello!Project Written by Ro-kun , updated: 1-Jan 1970
Question: What's something that made you think "I've become an adult~"?

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Hello! Q&A Tsubaki Factory (5/2/2024)
Hello!Project Written by Ro-kun , updated: 1-Jan 1970
Question: What's something that made you think "I've become an adult~"?

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Hello! Q&A Angerme (5/1/2024)
Hello!Project Written by Ro-kun , updated: 1-Jan 1970
Question: What's something that made you think "I've become an adult~"?

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Hello! Q&A MM'24 (4/30/2024)
Hello!Project Written by Ro-kun , updated: 1-Jan 1970
Question: What's something that made you think "I've become an adult~"?

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Hello! Q&A Juice=Juice (4/29/2024)
Hello!Project Written by Ro-kun , updated: 1-Jan 1970
Question: What's something that made you think "I've become an adult~"?

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Hello! Q&A Ocha Norma (4/27/2024)
Hello!Project Written by Ro-kun , updated: 1-Jan 1970
Question: What's your method for relaxing?

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